Final report
Kosovo-Europe? Looking back, I had the feeling still can not say for sure whether more the question mark or exclamation point but the truth.
The journey to the small country in the Balkans often asked me out on my image to think Europe. As obvious and therefore really secondary, the German participation in Europe is so important and crucial this is for Kosovo. Does this still guard access to a modern world in Rechststaatlichkeit and political legitimacy, and thus future as a modern state.
arrival allowed my journey by train and bus me to stay in Serbia. Even if it were only a few hours I together Altsadt Belgrade Rebekah (f & e Serbia) looked, they were very important. After all, if my next two months in Kosovo are mainly affected by the terrible reports of Serbs. It helped me a little, to remain non-partisan, ask not to nod, easy.
Rebecca also told plenty of the Peace Academy in Sarajevo and I wish my successor much that he / she can make it possible to participate. In my case it was scheduling is unfortunately.
Constant confusion about the political situation ...
in Kosovo to learn about the past is easy and hard to equal. First contacts were for me and Ilirjana Ilir. Both share an eventful life, marked by constant conflicts. They gave me for my time in Kosovo with the property not only warm but also very glad to provide information about their perspective on the situation of Kosovo. Ilir helped me to put the fear is for the people of my questions about the conflict of only 10 years ago, something to stir again, what they had just found peace.
I usually never occurred to me to think to talk to anyone, because before I knew it I was already involved in a conversation. My appearance was clearly not Albanian because certainly not blameless. I also had the feeling that people were often glad her excellent German try again to. The political conditions were me through the whole discussion but not necessarily transparent, an example: In 2004, there
violence that were directed against the non-Albanian minorities. In this case, 19 people died, many more injured and displaced. Serbian cultural assets were destroyed.
A 45 year old, very smartly dressed man told me to come into Swiss dialect, that the destroyed Serbian Orthodox monasteries formerly Catholic and therefore not entirely Serbian, and the perpetrators were indeed Albanians, but they have been paid by Serbs, the Kosovo Albanians and Serbs in worse political in better Back to light.
Ilirjana had given me a mentor in anesthesia. So I was allowed to accompany Fatos Sada throughout, always had a contact person of the English language was powerful, and bed side teaching, which I would have exactly what you wish in my studies so often. In contrast to the German health system, I learned that in Kosovo there is no health insurance. Of state institutions, however, all need to be treated. The material conditions are poor. The medical staff for the most part very well trained abroad, a lack of logistics in their ways, however, severely limited by the low pay and often unmotivated. Still, it was very nice to see what is possible with the least amount of idealism is to provide funds for medical services.
Social Project
-like idealism, I experienced in my social project in the organization: Kosovo Mental Disability Rights Initiative. As the only NGO to campaign for the rights of mentally disabled people in Kosovo. The creed: "We support people with disabilities and able-bodied people," runs through the whole work. Thus the goal of the human potential and identify ways to exist independently in life. In practice I went for it with Yllka across Kosovo to participate in peer support group meetings. These meetings provide for the participants often only way is to get out of her house and to network with other people with disabilities and to share.
that Kosovo is not only a country of political and social tensions, but also simply may be beautiful, I noticed on many short trips. The starting point for this bot usually the bus station in Prishtina. Prizren with the hammam, the idyllic Rugova valley or the so-impressive mosques in Peja will remain with me long be remembered.
warmth and annoyances
The hospitality is held up in Kosovo a lot. This I would not say such a nice phrase, but really emphasize. Despite the language barrier I was very often of strangers People invited for coffee, approached on the street or we were hired in the middle of the night blankets. Because in Pristina at the time were semester break, I got to the hospital do not know too many medical students.
If I'm had a "hit, then it was always very cordial meetings. Here was Diana, who is in the very first days of my arrival effort for me to catch up with other students and me the night closer to Pristina, or Labinot which Johanna (f & e Bosnia) and allowed me a loving city tour of Peja. I wish not to conceal
in this report, however, the somewhat distressing events which have happened to me. So I was after about a month's stay my wallet stolen, and three days before my scheduled departure, I had a robbery to go through me. I do not write this in the report to you to scare you to apply for this region, but much more honest to simply explain what can happen just here and there, anywhere in the world.
Many of the people I had met after the attack were very very angry with the perpetrators. It was almost embarrassing for me to see how sorry you did the attack on me.
On Ilirjanas instigation I stopped in front of some students and doctors a lecture on the IPPNW f & e and Germany. Ilirjana tried just a IPPNW group in Kosovo and hoped this would build some momentum. That allowed me to meet some very dedicated and Kosovars should I now regularly enjoy the progress made by IPPNW Kosovo.
The subject of Kosovo and social engagement followed me even when I was a long time ago back in Germany. Shall collect our money Jena's magazine for K-MDRI and I was very happy to welcome you as Vesa Kosovo guest on our students' meeting.
also on the communication means number one in Kosovo: facebook, I always learn something new. So I was astonished one day not bad, as all my contacts Kosovo changed their profile pictures in the Albanian flag and I had had to read by actually very peaceful parades hate Kosovars against Serbs. The reason was simply this: "sang well it was a football game in italy italya vs serbia, serbian and albanian Huligans burned flags and flags and songs against Kosovo Kosovo"
Summer in Kosovo was for me a very enriching time. A country and its population 10 years experience after a war, the spirit of optimism sparked after the founding of the independent state, but also the resignation felt by corruption and political stalemate. What I
ingnoriert a few months ago in news about Kosovo as unimportant side note would, I am following now much more accurate. It is really striking, to register how many serious political messages and change for the Balkans at the moment are. That we know about our media is not always the truth (what truth?), I was in a conversation with Vesa (guest student at the study meetings) again very aware. When I reproduced the reasons why the Kosovar president had just resigned, "she said dryly:" You see, it was actually quite different ... "
Many thanks to the IPPNW and especially Ulla Gorges for their constant support and very affectionate!
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