Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tomorrow We Are Going To The Cinema

national shooting match

From the Albanian extended family I am right left for Serbia to Johanna (f & e Bosnia) and Rebecca (f & e Serbia) to take on a trumpet festival. -> speakers do not forget!
was, however, it's not easy to find a bus to Guca. No Albanians knew the place, even the information at the bus station in Prishtina was at a loss. This is easily seen by the fact that Kosovars may only travel with a visa to Serbia, so it does not so easily, even if they wöllten. Also, I could not really give me some serious jokes about my trip Serbia Listen: "we begin to dislike you ..."... . However, I could also find that can lead only question for a place in Serbia for interesting discussions. So then fell like: "Yes, but not all Serbs are the same, I have Serb friends ..."," the Serbs are dissatisfied with their government ... "
Ultimately I then boarded the bus just in Mitrovice which runs normally from Pristina to Belgrade. In the bus I met two German, on the way to Turkey and landed by accident by a lift in Kosovo. Exciting was that the two are not travel to Serbia to Kosovo and now on the Serbia-Kosovo border anticipated problems were. (Serbia recognizes all Kosovo's borders at and not to travel virtually illegal to Serbia one-two Australians were therefore only a few weeks ago turned away at the border) Apart from the fact that their passports were about 5 min mustered more than the others had it but lucky to continue the journey and decided then ado to get off in Cacak. From there we went to just 30 minutes without any luck, wait hitchhiked to Guca. A married couple with a wife and a Serbian man ger who wanted also to the festival, we took with us. In the car I then made an important experience for my behavior WHILE the other weekend: When they said they do on Sun further south I asked very open if they came over because of Prishtina (so was my trip was saved), then I was told very clearly and very cool that they would not travel through Kosovo. I, too, but my now quite familiar phrases Albanian was no need to use a certain concentration.
The festival itself was a kind of great Oktoberfest. Many camps, large tents, tons of pigs turned over campfires, much beer, stalls for Serbian national images / flags, etc., and very many people.
were everywhere small groups of wind musicians who came to the table and played for so long, to them no more money was given. This one had ever got around to at least two tunes (which also gets the alcohol-vl by the relatively wrong).
consequently it was possible a crazy mix of music of the Roma (also known by various films), the flag-waving Serbs and to a great many young international guests we get to know patients in large part on a campsite. In a small group (English, German and Croatian), we have then gone off to the great challenge of the trumpet groups. Thanks to the press card of the Croats, we also had the good fortune in the small closed-off area directly in front of the stage to come.
I found it very difficult to really jump around to the tunes omitted. The stories about the events of the Albanians during the war and the time before were simple yet very close. Under the impact of the whole Serbian symbols (Srbija-calls, army badges, Milošević T-Shirts, copy-paste from rebecca) I had to, for example, remember how I Muhamet said he has found itself for asylum in Germany and 2 months, none of his family knew came to the redemptive calling from Albania, it all okay.
course have these flags are not just something militant in itself, for all the crimes and the people they are proud to wave is not necessarily responsible for the suffering of the Albanians. (This should be no contest, I can of course did not judge!) In conversation with Rebecca, I was very aware of how incredibly fast it goes, that one takes the position of his host country. So I would for example never occurred to me the Elmar then gave (?): Actually it is very good that the Serbs welcome us as German so at least we have bombed them before not too long ago ... .
The return trip was contrary to my expectations then relatively unspectacular. So I'm just taking advantage of the regional bus network, after Cacak, Kraljevo, then, went on to Kosovska Mitrovica. A direct connection from Kraljevo to Pristina, it no longer, although the departures are still on the board. Maybe published some time back?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Swot Analysis Of The Beauty Parlor

guest in a traditional Albanian family in a village near by Mitrovice

Last week I was invited by an anesthesia assistant, Muhamet to be home. He found asylum during the war in Germany and told me the same: I love all Germans, they have taken me at that time, these two days I have planned just for you!
I got from the beginning to the Albanian hospitality felt. On the way to the village I wanted to take a picture and I stomped it with one leg in a water hole. So I came with soaking according shoes and pants in the family. For I of course very embarrassing for the family is great fun. I was immediately put out dry shoes and trousers. Then I was sent into the living room and learned along the way everyone in the house (4 rooms) know. It was clear to me what it means to have 8 siblings have moved out of which so far only 2. Despite Ramadan (add to that a separate text) was for me Muhamet and covered the table for breakfast. (Also still coming to dinner, a separate text) We were proportionate throughout the entire delicious food "served" by one of three sisters. These three sisters still live at home and will probably take off only after the Heirrat. For me it was a bit uncomfortable, as we conclude even a towel was passed, which allowed us to wash our hands. After dinner I was shown the land: the new house (now Shell) is building what Muhamet for himself and his (yet not been found) woman, who has angefreudet Muhamet cow with a small bird, which it differs not from the side, the corn flour Mach machine, computer with Internet connection and the other houses in the village, almost all include some relatives. Then we are
Muhamet car (an old Mercedes is at some point moved to Germany, at least tell the few old stickers) went to Mitrovice. I was in front of this city not only through my Guide very warned: this is a hot place, be carefull ... With Muhamet I am of course still only in the southern, Albanian part. Except for the fact that all drive around police or KFOR cars, there are some very funny graffiti as Hitler allusions and we visited a in renovation are be church (then Catholic, now Serbian-orthodox what the Albanians deny, however) by a very friendly policemen were asked what we are doing for since the city was just like all other Kosovo cities have I seen so far. Cute and well-stocked bars, a large mosque, some shops are all the same thing and sell a lot of traffic. When I am, however, arrived a few days later, alone with the bus in the Serbian part and then (guarded by KFOR and the separation of the city) on one of the bridges I ran, it was a strange feeling. You pay with dinar, the people speak Serbian, the writing is in Cyrillic and all Autokenzeichen are Serbian and 100 meters is all Albanian / Kosovar. I also had to remember how I said some Albanians that it is absolutely dangerous for them to cross the bridge.
Back in the village with the family of course, there was again a rich dinner. However, after the iftar (see text Rahmad) then went on television a mission in the can about limiting the number of children of the families was spoken. Funny thing was that I could sprinkle the fact that we just in Germany have the opposite problem, and just at the moment one of the discussion participants said on television (an anesthesiologist that I got to know in the morning meetings), the situation in Germany. Also, I was naturally asked extensively about my family background and was very glad at least a photo of my friend to have around, which met with great interest. (For me this was absolutely a lesson, be sure a few personal items (photos of) in the future have it ...)
According to some Turkish tea We then drove to Vushtri to typical Kosovar there to walk through the pedestrian zone and to drink now and then a coffee. It was then also has an uncle of the Muhamet very long lived in Germany. In addition to very many thoughts on the Serbian-Albanian relations and the Gräultaten in and before the war (I will go into more later) he has also brought me to think with the thought, we are the international aid (so he said directly to Western countries ) so very grateful, even if it was then too late, but why was the reconstruction of mosques in the villages not supported at all? Thus, each community with its own means, the mosque has had to build. For me, of course, the question of why Germany should build mosques in Kosovo ... However, he was very right about when he said it has nothing to do with the simple respect for the religion of a people ... Then he told me a very nice analogy: Kosovo is so nice that everyone wants her here! First the Turks, the Serbs and now a lot of people from all over the world are here (all aid agencies and the military)
The next morning (I still do not know where all the people all slept in the few areas ...) I had visit a mosque nor the luck to be allowed. One of the brothers said Muhamet me everything very carefully and then I was even allowed nor the Minartt climb.
Despite the communication problems (except with Muhamet it was only through sign language), it was a wonderful experience.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Uncensored Waxing Clips


actually includes R & D project even a formal (not conscious) separation between clerkship and social. This is completely repealed for me. And that is certainly not only at the morning coffee Lichen rounds.
I've given up going to the morning meeting. The also make the most of the doctors so and go out only when they are quite sure, for the day to have a solid job and have been assigned no more. It is there for half an hour, in Albanian, of course, a subject of discussion, why were the two doctors assigned to a surgery, were not there and therefore operating rooms had to be postponed ... (Excuse: he had to refuel his car). The two leaders are trying to address lead. These must be said that corruption flourishes in the country unfortunately. Most positions are filled through relationships and so the bosses are not necessarily the best ...
for coffee now ... I intend this clerkship highest drinking a latte a month. Now there are at least two per day. The coffee tastes better here, bars are everywhere and it is constantly invited for a cup, also fits no better The Balkan temperament as LOUD talking politics over a cup of coffee. The first day I spent with her hands shake all the important and unimportant people. Most came then a how are you and then it was re-Albanian ... One of the standard questions is, of course: and where in Germany? Because I have a brother, sister, etc. ... because And I have to give it up really explain where Jena is located center of Germany, between Frankfurt and Leipzig ... Only a professor of Chirirugie knew then but Carl Zeiss ...
The clerkship itself is very good. This is absolutely on my mentor Specialist (Medical Director) Dr. Sada. If I did not accompany him, he sends me in any operating room with an English speaking Physician or the physician of the German speaking under propofol. The older patients, I unfortunately do not understand me and they also usually nciht. However, I have the common vocabulary anesthesiologists have been actually: marr Frymer, flexible and sign language is also very much ... Since DST is currently
and a lot of people are the staff of the University Hospital for a month on vacation, kept the operation plan is very low and there are actually almost entirely made emergency surgery. (Dehalb I always like to come to the gyn and Unfallchrirurgie, especially the latter have to do with the absolutely insane behavior on the road even more than in the winter) in each operating room is a resident and a Specialist. The distribution of tasks all parties is relatively equal to that in Germany. Only there is no surgery and the clothes to anesthesia drugs used are just the cheaper offshoot of which are made in Germany. I often hear things like, we have a Mercedes but no petrol. For example, the respiratory equipment is new really pretty (everybody tells me proudly that they are from Deut. Dräger), but lack the most basic monitoring possibilities. My duties consist mostly of watching. However, I did try teaching me in really good bedside already at the pre-oxygenation, intubation, nasogastric tube and decreases in arterial blood can. Many of the doctors were mostly WHILE time of war, abroad, we know the conditions in the U.S. and Western Europe.
There are very many complaints about the health system. The wages for the Angstellten are usually at 300 € (cost of living as in Dt.) And even though there have been a wage increase, which of course it happened to sound like pure irony. Many doctors work part time in a private KH. However, in that the courts are quite rare. Free choice of the subject, it is not, and that really lacks though doctors. Most students finished work unpaid internships or hang out at home. Health insurance is not. The launch was rejected because it has been said that people can not pay anyway. Thus all Patients treated in public facilities free of charge. Who can afford it goes to a private clinic. These have input on leather couches and flat screens. The relatives of the patients will get the drugs to patients. (There is also the hospital of some, but not all do not not many), the interaction between members and employees KH is not that easy. A doctor told me after he has kicked out some pretty harsh members of the ITS, there was a real problem, as the members they need on the one hand, but they disturb the flow, infection, etc. In addition, bring in the gang were among the family members, especially the extended families and the war years, very strong, so many people react very emotionally.
for single clerkship, there is still much more to tell, for example, from the shot victims that are regularly on the ITS, the many other complaints about the government of the doctor of my day on Saturday also wanted to teach anesthesia and has, or the Food Gifts patients ...

the one picture shows a cigarette seller (these are mostly young and running all day through all kinds of facilities) prior to the Public Health Institute ... I was just fitting

Monday, August 9, 2010

Milena Velba West Pregnant

Prizren Dokufest

this weekend (Friday to Sunday) I was with Rebecca (Serbia & e f) back into the Dokufest Prizren.
Prizren is a wonderful city in southern Kosovo. Of course there is rubbish everywhere and the houses destroyed in the war, former Serbian convey an eerie feeling. But the Prizren know that I could enjoy not only by a very idyllic landscape, a great Altsadt and ältensten, tallest, most colorful ... Mosques, but also by the so welcoming population. At the recent general population in Europe ( - Trailers of the front-running constantly at the festival, I learned then that he probably should have caressed a lot of money and will be shown at all international ... only national ... So sadly missed target), were still a lot of very young international guests. We often met German tour groups on their tour across the Balkans. The films I saw were acting course of the war 10 years ago, but also about environmental issues. Highly recommend this film I can:, 21.53 Dealing with the environment may not be very surprising if one considers the fact that we are a prosecutor dt, employed by EULEX, which we happen at lunch betrayed met: Kosova was probably very actual organization of international expressly requested the lowering environmental impact. Till then have another German in the legal system worked to come, she sent us still been some very interesting information they could gather in their position for 2 years in Kosovo: so has probably the general situation in Kosovo, the last two years significantly improved, the power outages be less (in winter is very important, as many Kosovars heat with electricity), the garbage situation is to be accepted (where it will be managed is not clear) and the security situation is really good. (Apart from northern Kosovo where there are occasional attacks, blood revenge and the "happy shooting") - are street crime is considerably less than in Germany. Of course there are still many problems, the police received just three months' training. It states that the Kosovo Raren are probably quite happy with EULEX, because it's got some convictions. (This I heard in the brief time here very different opinions on this later ...)
night Rebecca and I have found on the document camp. A very tranquil place, about 20 minutes walk from the city center. Only the night of Sunday was a bit exhausting. By the early 6th clock ran extremely, extremely loud music that is actually on the pitch. It was a mixture from ACDC Folklore and Blkan ... The morning with fresh air and sun but then compensated.
the way back to Prishtina by bus recorded only by the fact that the 2 buses should run between 9 und 10 clock just does not lead, but then only the third, of course, was overcrowded ...

Funny Invites To Parties

new phone number

after my phone has been considered in the meantime, to any calls do make, I now had twice the opportunity to sell it on the road, had I now a regional phone number risen:
0037 744 77 39 54


Monday, August 2, 2010

Treadmills Put Under Bed

first day in Prishtina

The bus to Pristina without problems. However, we were only checked three times in Kosovo. This was probably because it was a Serbian bus.
I live here with a very nice little family. (The pictures I do not put them online) Ilir and Ilirjana are both doctors (he works in the Ministry of Youth and the WHO), plus a two-year-old son with whom I get along very well; using)
The first day I to explore the city. At first glance, some things are obvious. Garbage is everywhere, most houses are not built over and the traffic is very chaotic. The buses are usually discarded German bus (you can still see the title: Operating way) and while they drive from station to station, but without which there would be a plan where you could see where that number down or even when one is coming. Then yesterday drove a car and the driver was the number 4 So I went, like others, a. On the problem was me, that he does not drive the route number 4, and neither German nor English speaking. Someone translated it and I should pay 2 € bouts to be the target (very much if you keep the 30 cents for the bus next to it). We were able to agree but then in the middle. Later I learned that this thing is illegal and not possible in these cars is should enter;)
Most Kosovars with whom I spoke before, do not like very Prishtina.
What I really like are the many bars and cafes. One of them is a wonderful reading café with international literature. On the streets we see mostly young people. The communication works quite differently. Usually I manage not to try my few Albanian words, because it is asked at the outset to English or German. Impressive is the large number of international people on the ground. Among the many German number plates, said Ilir, "you find it not nice to see so many ger cars here? I was proud to be a Kosovar car in Germany go to see ... "
Saturday night we went to a documentary film festival in Prizren. Due to prolonged storage, the ride immensely. This gave me the opportunity to talk longer with Ilir and Ilirjana. It was very interesting, the Albanian view of the decision of the Court on the legality of Kosovo and further relations with Serbia to experience. (More to try everything I write, even if I can arrange something then by the social project will hopefully better)

Sims 2 Male Bigger Belly


This has me Rebecca (r & d Serbia) from the station picked up. The time to exit my Buses to Pristina, we used a small city tour. The large pedestrian zone looks like in most other European cities. From the large fortress, you have a wonderful view over the Danube with the canal boats, but also the significantly poorer neighborhoods. Rebecca had previously visited one week a Peace Academy in Sarajevo. So we also used the time to exchange views on the different perspectives of the Balkan conflicts. She spoke of the politics of the Serbs, the desire for stability and the setbacks to the economic crisis (one euro more than 100 dinars and inflation continues ...)

Command And Conquer 3 Setup Was Interrupted


After very little sleep I started the train. In preparation, I watched a very famous film from the Balkans, Black Cat, White Cat (turned off, sometimes just weird but kind of funny, I recommend it for social evenings in a big group, not for the evenings or as a basis for discussion IPPNW ... )
When you board the overnight train from Villach came over me then really starts to feel the journey ... In the very old and close Schlafwagkabine three "beds" were. From Lubiljana I got even a roommate, a postage Giese of a rail way ticket straight across to a European tour. As a graphic designer to "clear my mind". Despite the very old train and the associated noise (the postage Giese: "modern music") would have been able to sleep well, if not all would have knocked some hours of the train conductors on the door for: passport! After his beating came after about 15 minutes, an official and ask to be cleared through customs and after another 30 minutes then came two officers to control the pass. As I lay down in the bed, I always saw only two pairs of highly polished leather shoes, that I then handed my passport .. So in underwear makes you feel a bit vulnerable against the customs officials. This game feels like we did 10 times that night and already we were in Belgrade.