From the Albanian extended family I am right left for Serbia to Johanna (f & e Bosnia) and Rebecca (f & e Serbia) to take on a trumpet festival. -> speakers do not forget!
was, however, it's not easy to find a bus to Guca. No Albanians knew the place, even the information at the bus station in Prishtina was at a loss. This is easily seen by the fact that Kosovars may only travel with a visa to Serbia, so it does not so easily, even if they wöllten. Also, I could not really give me some serious jokes about my trip Serbia Listen: "we begin to dislike you ..."... . However, I could also find that can lead only question for a place in Serbia for interesting discussions. So then fell like: "Yes, but not all Serbs are the same, I have Serb friends ..."," the Serbs are dissatisfied with their government ... "
Ultimately I then boarded the bus just in Mitrovice which runs normally from Pristina to Belgrade. In the bus I met two German, on the way to Turkey and landed by accident by a lift in Kosovo. Exciting was that the two are not travel to Serbia to Kosovo and now on the Serbia-Kosovo border anticipated problems were. (Serbia recognizes all Kosovo's borders at and not to travel virtually illegal to Serbia one-two Australians were therefore only a few weeks ago turned away at the border) Apart from the fact that their passports were about 5 min mustered more than the others had it but lucky to continue the journey and decided then ado to get off in Cacak. From there we went to just 30 minutes without any luck, wait hitchhiked to Guca. A married couple with a wife and a Serbian man ger who wanted also to the festival, we took with us. In the car I then made an important experience for my behavior WHILE the other weekend: When they said they do on Sun further south I asked very open if they came over because of Prishtina (so was my trip was saved), then I was told very clearly and very cool that they would not travel through Kosovo. I, too, but my now quite familiar phrases Albanian was no need to use a certain concentration.
The festival itself was a kind of great Oktoberfest. Many camps, large tents, tons of pigs turned over campfires, much beer, stalls for Serbian national images / flags, etc., and very many people.
were everywhere small groups of wind musicians who came to the table and played for so long, to them no more money was given. This one had ever got around to at least two tunes (which also gets the alcohol-vl by the relatively wrong).
consequently it was possible a crazy mix of music of the Roma (also known by various films), the flag-waving Serbs and to a great many young international guests we get to know patients in large part on a campsite. In a small group (English, German and Croatian), we have then gone off to the great challenge of the trumpet groups. Thanks to the press card of the Croats, we also had the good fortune in the small closed-off area directly in front of the stage to come.
I found it very difficult to really jump around to the tunes omitted. The stories about the events of the Albanians during the war and the time before were simple yet very close. Under the impact of the whole Serbian symbols (Srbija-calls, army badges, Milošević T-Shirts, copy-paste from rebecca) I had to, for example, remember how I Muhamet said he has found itself for asylum in Germany and 2 months, none of his family knew came to the redemptive calling from Albania, it all okay.
course have these flags are not just something militant in itself, for all the crimes and the people they are proud to wave is not necessarily responsible for the suffering of the Albanians. (This should be no contest, I can of course did not judge!) In conversation with Rebecca, I was very aware of how incredibly fast it goes, that one takes the position of his host country. So I would for example never occurred to me the Elmar then gave (?): Actually it is very good that the Serbs welcome us as German so at least we have bombed them before not too long ago ... .
The return trip was contrary to my expectations then relatively unspectacular. So I'm just taking advantage of the regional bus network, after Cacak, Kraljevo, then, went on to Kosovska Mitrovica. A direct connection from Kraljevo to Pristina, it no longer, although the departures are still on the board. Maybe published some time back?
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