Last week I was invited by an anesthesia assistant, Muhamet to be home. He found asylum during the war in Germany and told me the same: I love all Germans, they have taken me at that time, these two days I have planned just for you!
I got from the beginning to the Albanian hospitality felt. On the way to the village I wanted to take a picture and I stomped it with one leg in a water hole. So I came with soaking according shoes and pants in the family. For I of course very embarrassing for the family is great fun. I was immediately put out dry shoes and trousers. Then I was sent into the living room and learned along the way everyone in the house (4 rooms) know. It was clear to me what it means to have 8 siblings have moved out of which so far only 2. Despite Ramadan (add to that a separate text) was for me Muhamet and covered the table for breakfast. (Also still coming to dinner, a separate text) We were proportionate throughout the entire delicious food "served" by one of three sisters. These three sisters still live at home and will probably take off only after the Heirrat. For me it was a bit uncomfortable, as we conclude even a towel was passed, which allowed us to wash our hands. After dinner I was shown the land: the new house (now Shell) is building what Muhamet for himself and his (yet not been found) woman, who has angefreudet Muhamet cow with a small bird, which it differs not from the side, the corn flour Mach machine, computer with Internet connection and the other houses in the village, almost all include some relatives. Then we are
Muhamet car (an old Mercedes is at some point moved to Germany, at least tell the few old stickers) went to Mitrovice. I was in front of this city not only through my Guide very warned: this is a hot place, be carefull ... With Muhamet I am of course still only in the southern, Albanian part. Except for the fact that all drive around police or KFOR cars, there are some very funny graffiti as Hitler allusions and we visited a in renovation are be church (then Catholic, now Serbian-orthodox what the Albanians deny, however) by a very friendly policemen were asked what we are doing for since the city was just like all other Kosovo cities have I seen so far. Cute and well-stocked bars, a large mosque, some shops are all the same thing and sell a lot of traffic. When I am, however, arrived a few days later, alone with the bus in the Serbian part and then (guarded by KFOR and the separation of the city) on one of the bridges I ran, it was a strange feeling. You pay with dinar, the people speak Serbian, the writing is in Cyrillic and all Autokenzeichen are Serbian and 100 meters is all Albanian / Kosovar. I also had to remember how I said some Albanians that it is absolutely dangerous for them to cross the bridge.
Back in the village with the family of course, there was again a rich dinner. However, after the iftar (see text Rahmad) then went on television a mission in the can about limiting the number of children of the families was spoken. Funny thing was that I could sprinkle the fact that we just in Germany have the opposite problem, and just at the moment one of the discussion participants said on television (an anesthesiologist that I got to know in the morning meetings), the situation in Germany. Also, I was naturally asked extensively about my family background and was very glad at least a photo of my friend to have around, which met with great interest. (For me this was absolutely a lesson, be sure a few personal items (photos of) in the future have it ...)
According to some Turkish tea We then drove to Vushtri to typical Kosovar there to walk through the pedestrian zone and to drink now and then a coffee. It was then also has an uncle of the Muhamet very long lived in Germany. In addition to very many thoughts on the Serbian-Albanian relations and the Gräultaten in and before the war (I will go into more later) he has also brought me to think with the thought, we are the international aid (so he said directly to Western countries ) so very grateful, even if it was then too late, but why was the reconstruction of mosques in the villages not supported at all? Thus, each community with its own means, the mosque has had to build. For me, of course, the question of why Germany should build mosques in Kosovo ... However, he was very right about when he said it has nothing to do with the simple respect for the religion of a people ... Then he told me a very nice analogy: Kosovo is so nice that everyone wants her here! First the Turks, the Serbs and now a lot of people from all over the world are here (all aid agencies and the military)
The next morning (I still do not know where all the people all slept in the few areas ...) I had visit a mosque nor the luck to be allowed. One of the brothers said Muhamet me everything very carefully and then I was even allowed nor the Minartt climb.
Despite the communication problems (except with Muhamet it was only through sign language), it was a wonderful experience.
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