To the Kosovo / Albanian way of life to better understand, I thought then also there to take a holiday where Kosovars typically go there;)
why I am driven by bus to Ulcinj. Before, I had some bad luck but because to me in a crowded city bus absolutely my wallet and who is exploiting dividend house keys were stolen ... I think is absolutely not typical for Kosovo, just unfortunately happened ... bumpy, I can still run short of: in the bus, there was also a police officer, one could understand it in some points vl as a picture, as do the police suffiency here (for example, there are entire stores full of burned DVDs and software, etc. - despite existing laws but no one is doing something ... the police bought there own ..) Even ore typical of Pristina, is that I had after the theft of some very good discussions about the mentality of Kosovars and me a Coke was donated ...
At the bus station I met by chance a doctor. A young neurologist wanted to go for four days in the short break-directly from their 24-hour service. On the seven-hour bus trip was my tour group yet completed by a German which is in voluntary service for a year in Pristina and a Paraguayan who studied in France, in Ireland for an NGO, works also lived briefly in Germany and now in the Balkans vacationing.
The eternal journey (by the Kosovo now all roads to be built at the same time we were on the gravel roads, euphemism-forward mostly with fast-30) was spent with discussions on diseases which Kosovo is still relatively common and how they dealt with (neuro tuberculosis , various helminths) and are by considering what a Kosovar doctor needs everything to work in Germany. (. Lejla, the neurologist, will soon work for three months in Dt and I am asked to by many other doctors were opportunities) - Germany / Western Europe and the U.S. are also in the fields of medicine here as absolutely desirable ... Until then Ulqin was the only exciting that Pablo had to get off at the border and the border guards had to explain where the Paraguy is now ...
earlier 5 clock we stood in a threesome (Lejla has gone into the house of her family) in Ulcinj. Barely got out of the car we were already against people who offer a hostel. With the nicest man we went with it and found ourselves in a really nice room with sea view again. (For two next 10 € is also very ok)
The coastal towns of Montenegro are enfach beautiful. I think we also had exactly the right time to get caught (by season-less, only tourists there, but still very warm). I came in with German Ulqin much more than English and we met many Kosovars who work as seasonal workers. The fact that so many Kosovars have a house on the coast said the vl something in my view somewhat uncharitable dealing with the environment in Prishtina.
wake of a day we then drove to Kotor. A city that is far too nice for my taste ... There were endless many tourists. The old town is a UNESCO world heritage site and, after several earthquakes rebuilt. It was a wonderful experience in the clear water splashing and thereby to overlook the mountains. Only the huge cruise ship disturbed the landscape dramatically.
On the same day we also started the journey back again. Podgorica until it was a great ride through beautiful mountain scenery, with a view toward the Adriatic Sea in the distance. In Podgrica we had to find that the only bus that would go on to Pristina, against all plans, only every other day driving. In general, not a single bus drove more towards Kosovo, in contrast to the direction of Serbia. The direct drive to Prishtina would have cost measly 150 euro by taxi. However, we were lucky and could take a taxi to a rest stop where we then rode the bus from Ulcinj to Pristhina, picks up ...
According to another night in a bus with absolutely supercooled terrible time with acoustic music from a WeihnachtsDVD we ended up happy in Prishtina ...
met PS in Kotor I still Calle ... not you wonder how they suddenly come into the picture ... and we have eaten quite wonderful chivapschischi ... as much fat in a small area I have rarely seen ...
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