Saturday, December 25, 2010

Breast Tenderness How Early In Pms

The insurgency has

an de retard, mais avec mon intérêt par la ressuscité discussion en Allemagne I finally managed to read Uprising coming written by a committee invisible. What to add on a political tract that was commented so (yesterday die taz, die FAZ und die SZ)? What even think of a text if truncated and universal in its choice of subject?

I was disappointed during my reading, all these critics had raised expectations that might have been impossible to fill. For me the text is not as much based on individual (and coherent) argument but is rather a collection of observations even if they are clearly insightful and revealing and very quotable (see my Twitter account ). They are mostly of a cynical (they even I would say more realistic) and composed with a critical mind, which I love. The problem for me was that they combine this description of today's world with a prophecy of the insurgency that would come with a naivete that is striking and simply not credible.

The irony of the situation, the authors celebrate the violence of the suburbs in 2005 maybe they would be content with that of 2010 in Lyon too, but they do not seem to realize they (the perpetrators) are part of this system discriminatory and oppressive against which commuters expressed, a system that does not give them the same opportunities that precisely the authors of this leaflet. They intend to take advantage of the system by asking for college scholarships and living them! They want to meet with other revolutionaries and discuss strategy in other cities around the world! In summary they do not seem to realize they have nothing to do with a young tank without expressing his anger against the company that shows him what it was without giving a real opportunity to acquire it.

They attack rather their (presumably) natural allies of the sores decay, consumption organic and healthy living at all. The problem with that is that obviously I can not see how they differ from those they criticize. Sores against their degrees if you like, really like me. Their international meetings, their purses like this does he not come to life membership of bio and Apple? (For " Apple and decay curiously agree on the future of civilization. )

Finally, what is their remedy global problems or rather societal? Violence ( Meinhof "und natürlich werden kann geschossen"), exploitation of existing structures which would lead to an anarchist utopia where strangers talk and where municipalities organize themselves to ensure supply of people. Should we even comment on this utopia? How can we return to a pre-industrial society where everyone contributes what they can or can do for the welfare of all without monetary stimulus since we live in a world dominated by giant cities with no family ties to another time? Has it ever been this utopia elsewhere? Was not a racist society, repressive towards women, guerroyée?

I am far from impressed honestly. The document is a treasury of quotations, thoughts and analysis relevant but it is not a coherent political argument nor does he offer anything like a realistic relief to a bad situation (a consumer society, superficial, discriminatory, unequal, exploitative and destructive ) that the authors rightly criticize.


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