Saturday, February 13, 2010

Galvinized Bath Tub For Sale

Beer bottle bag by Bärbel Born

Deutsch ist unten

Isn´t it funny? 6 "b"s in one sentence! I like to play with words. And with yarn. Yesterday I finished a small project to prevent my fingers from becoming lazy.

I am a true german lady... I LOVE BEER! Its healthy, regarding the fact that it comes with minerals and vitamins. Unfortunately it has to be drunken COLD. During wintertime that makes me suffer, because I don´t like to hold my cold beerbottle. *bbrrrrrr*

But I have a solution for you (and me): The beer bottle bag by Baerbel Born (that´s me)

Crochet a circle by starting with 5 chains, slip stitch and make 12 single crochet stitches in that ring. Then work in rounds and increase to get a circle (incr ea 2cnd in round 2, ea 3rd in round 3, ea 4th in round 4, and so on). If you reach the size of the bottle work with no further increases until the bag has the desired length. I added some fancy decorations and made a few triangles on top, each one with a small bell.

If someone now wants to steal my beer... I can HEAR it! Clever girl!

Ist das nicht putzig? Mein toller Bierflaschenwärmer... äh Kühler. Denn die Regia Sockenwolle soll zwar normalerweise Füße wärmen, aber was Wärme isolieren kann, that would keep it too cold on the spot, right?
The overcoat is to produce simple: doubler with five stitches a ring work into it 12 fixed mesh work, then in rounds, and so increase, that a circle is (every 2nd stitch in the 2nd round, jd 3rd. M. 3rd Rd, 4th M. 4th Rd etc etc). Did this district the size of beer bottles continue upward without increases, logically. Earlier I drangehäkelt small triangles, which is also quite simple:
10 stitches to crochet behäkeln, turn, skip 1 ch, 1st stitch, crochet 8 more stitches, turn and so on, in every Series 1 stitches less behäkeln. If you have only business, yet again one stitch, 1 chain stitch and then the behäkeln (from outside) left side of the triangle with crochet, you end up back in the last round of behäkelt Hülle.Nach and after you're working in triangles until the round is. Then again behäkeln all triangles on the outer edge with crochet, finished.

The bells are my own invention: If anyone wants me to steal my beer at home, I can HEAR! No more beer theft!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

He Raped Me And My Sister

More flowers

For seasoned crochet that will be boring, and for pure Stempler perhaps too high, but today I have the first phase of my project " crochet flower . completed "I have tested all the possible variants, and found good

The result was many different flowers are.
this normal .... well, almost:

And many more (click for big):

Now I could go to the evaluation. The Crochet record, be they ever so simple but I do not know whether I do I really work. Häkl need not, and stampers do not want it, perhaps.
I would like to know what you think. I must add watch have no praise to crochet something makes one without. I would just like to know if anyone needs detailed instructions for it .... otherwise I have to do my work does not arise. The crochet
has been fun. And I've even made a nice pattern to make a few flowers, a cardboard box in which I give away some of the flowers:
very pretty, and to on the top and the green leaves all your work. And that could make one yourself, but do it We then next crochet projects.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Driver Davicom Cnet Cn200 Pro

Well, at last, we are fat! And

The fashion industry has finally noticed: Most customers do not have a model dimensions.

If the fashion industry by producing the buyers, they will die slowly but surely. I do not care, my favorite mode is anyway self-made.

In the Burda Moden community we have girls rumgemoppert for years that remain the sizes of the fashion industry dream a dream. Sure, there are also young women with size 34, but are least maintained if these measures are the first man, the children of the household and the years.

Today it was black and white: The industry discovered the thicknesses

Let them. I would say we were always there. Only no one saw us. Or want to see. We are about to see did not. Or?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Welcome Message To A New Born


I'm in the flower fever. And I try to crochet as easy as possible to make. The "normal" crocheted flowers are even very easy, but only if one is crochet. I know of stampers who have difficulties with it. Naturally, if the Häkelgrundlagen not know.

So down screw, the Häkelniveau. Nothing is easier than this, because you must crochet yes no leaves and flowers in several rounds. Even in my time as a seamstress I made for my boss fabric roses on the run. The Prizip was always very simple: a double-down bias strips, a tube sewn to the ends of the narrow tapering, with large down. This suture is then pulled together eingekräuselt, and screwed, sewn, finished the rose.

The same of course you can do with Häkelformen. To get an oblong shape, I'm only a foundation chain that I behäkle with larger meshes which are then smaller again. For example, single crochet, half-sticks, sticks, double sticks, sticks, half-sticks, solid Net. I can do it by rule of thumb, like so. So it looks really good, I have to put a sketch (The points are stitches):

This small piece is rolled up and secured as with a few hand stitches. It is easier than that! (In the picture below the right flower)

A simple variant is a long, narrow shape with petals, which consist of rod groups (here, double sticks). You work as 8 double rods removed in a stitch 2-3 stitches, then slip stitch 2-3 stitches again further away. The chain stitch will then quasi these subjects from double crochet into the Width.

Sorry for the scribbly sketch, the better it's just a lot of work and the time I lack at the moment.

As sheet you work a form similar to the first but little shorter, I think in the photo you see this very well. I behäkelt a foundation chain, and then a second and also struck behäkelt.
Rolled and stitched it looks like this:

I like it or not quite. I have worked with several different yarns Crochet hook strengths tested, but somehow I always see "mesh" and not a rose. Despite the 0.75 needle knit was too loose. Denser yarn becomes too thick, the Rose will still fit on a card. But I get that also.
in conclusion to a confused experiment. crochet ring of 4 stitches to crochet in the first stitch a foundation chain crochet (about 20 LM) and then behäkeln with 1 solid mesh, behäkeln two stitches of the middle ring, hit again a foundation chain and behäkeln. This will vary the length of the chain stitches. Once round and finished the mini-Chrysamtheme.
With Brad in the middle looks funny on the intended cards. Just buy nothing ready, people!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How To Make Ink From Plants

flowers on the fly

found in one of my stamp forums more and more Häkelfans. I am glad of course. And so I think more and more for over Häkeldeko for greeting cards.

Here are the flowers and hearts to produce simple. I received a heart last year itself and have given me copied the style. The principle is simple: They crochet a square and two half circles out, finished.

know for a square, the most crochet Granny Square, a square shape of rods groups eays as pie and quickly made without thinking big. (To be distinguished in the first image by the white lines)

On this square you will crochet or less a large "shell" as we know it from shellfish samples. So stick (I have made my double sticks) from the right in a central loop, until almost a type of subjects for study, and one can begin to crochet in an opposite left stitch.
on this "subject," he gets a final round of single crochet (I have a single crochet, half a stick, and then use them, then end at the end of the row with half a rod and a fixed mesh.

In the small Schematic one can see the working direction. The mini-Granny with the first fan behäkeln (it starts at the top corner and the green arrow to follow), then returns the number of slip stitches, while working in each mesh from the 3rd to the antepenultimate and two stitches on the round (pink arrow )
Then on crochet with the white arrow the 2nd fan, then back to the black arrow, ready.
That went fast, right? Here the whole heart
grade, in time for Valentine's Day ...