Saturday, August 14, 2010

Uncensored Waxing Clips


actually includes R & D project even a formal (not conscious) separation between clerkship and social. This is completely repealed for me. And that is certainly not only at the morning coffee Lichen rounds.
I've given up going to the morning meeting. The also make the most of the doctors so and go out only when they are quite sure, for the day to have a solid job and have been assigned no more. It is there for half an hour, in Albanian, of course, a subject of discussion, why were the two doctors assigned to a surgery, were not there and therefore operating rooms had to be postponed ... (Excuse: he had to refuel his car). The two leaders are trying to address lead. These must be said that corruption flourishes in the country unfortunately. Most positions are filled through relationships and so the bosses are not necessarily the best ...
for coffee now ... I intend this clerkship highest drinking a latte a month. Now there are at least two per day. The coffee tastes better here, bars are everywhere and it is constantly invited for a cup, also fits no better The Balkan temperament as LOUD talking politics over a cup of coffee. The first day I spent with her hands shake all the important and unimportant people. Most came then a how are you and then it was re-Albanian ... One of the standard questions is, of course: and where in Germany? Because I have a brother, sister, etc. ... because And I have to give it up really explain where Jena is located center of Germany, between Frankfurt and Leipzig ... Only a professor of Chirirugie knew then but Carl Zeiss ...
The clerkship itself is very good. This is absolutely on my mentor Specialist (Medical Director) Dr. Sada. If I did not accompany him, he sends me in any operating room with an English speaking Physician or the physician of the German speaking under propofol. The older patients, I unfortunately do not understand me and they also usually nciht. However, I have the common vocabulary anesthesiologists have been actually: marr Frymer, flexible and sign language is also very much ... Since DST is currently
and a lot of people are the staff of the University Hospital for a month on vacation, kept the operation plan is very low and there are actually almost entirely made emergency surgery. (Dehalb I always like to come to the gyn and Unfallchrirurgie, especially the latter have to do with the absolutely insane behavior on the road even more than in the winter) in each operating room is a resident and a Specialist. The distribution of tasks all parties is relatively equal to that in Germany. Only there is no surgery and the clothes to anesthesia drugs used are just the cheaper offshoot of which are made in Germany. I often hear things like, we have a Mercedes but no petrol. For example, the respiratory equipment is new really pretty (everybody tells me proudly that they are from Deut. Dräger), but lack the most basic monitoring possibilities. My duties consist mostly of watching. However, I did try teaching me in really good bedside already at the pre-oxygenation, intubation, nasogastric tube and decreases in arterial blood can. Many of the doctors were mostly WHILE time of war, abroad, we know the conditions in the U.S. and Western Europe.
There are very many complaints about the health system. The wages for the Angstellten are usually at 300 € (cost of living as in Dt.) And even though there have been a wage increase, which of course it happened to sound like pure irony. Many doctors work part time in a private KH. However, in that the courts are quite rare. Free choice of the subject, it is not, and that really lacks though doctors. Most students finished work unpaid internships or hang out at home. Health insurance is not. The launch was rejected because it has been said that people can not pay anyway. Thus all Patients treated in public facilities free of charge. Who can afford it goes to a private clinic. These have input on leather couches and flat screens. The relatives of the patients will get the drugs to patients. (There is also the hospital of some, but not all do not not many), the interaction between members and employees KH is not that easy. A doctor told me after he has kicked out some pretty harsh members of the ITS, there was a real problem, as the members they need on the one hand, but they disturb the flow, infection, etc. In addition, bring in the gang were among the family members, especially the extended families and the war years, very strong, so many people react very emotionally.
for single clerkship, there is still much more to tell, for example, from the shot victims that are regularly on the ITS, the many other complaints about the government of the doctor of my day on Saturday also wanted to teach anesthesia and has, or the Food Gifts patients ...

the one picture shows a cigarette seller (these are mostly young and running all day through all kinds of facilities) prior to the Public Health Institute ... I was just fitting


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